Los Angeles

Children´s Hospital


General Support

Given that the Los Angeles Children's Hospital  can not afford the funding of some essential lines towards improving the quality of the services provided, the support is needed of those who can help consolidate these proyects :

Architectural Master Plan

Los Angeles Children's Hospital adapt their infrastructure services and current regulations, this in order to always guarantee the best service to our users. Sometimes those needs are so big and so immediate that it is vital to have a helping hand to help to continue on the path of renewal in infrastructure and make the Hospital a magical place .


The Hospital has been involved in 4 stages. The spaces of care services favor an environment of safety, quality , privacy and comfort for patients. Everything thought and dreamed for the care of children and adolescents areas allow a fair , dignified care without discrimination.


From 2008 the first stage included the construction of the tower of the emergency services , pediatric and neonatal units ICU and operating rooms with a total area of ​​2,170 square meters began. In the second stage the administrative tower and Special hospital service , in an area of ​​1,970 m2 was delivered. In the third stage , and 2,090 m2, the Financial, Outpatient services Oncohematology surgery and hospitalization were included . In 2011 , on the ground floor of the administration tower area it built diagnostic images



Insufficient infrastructure of healthcare services: Emergency, Clinical Laboratory, Oncohematology, ICU,  Burned  Service and others are necessary to expand the installed capacity in order to provide quality and timely service integral Health.



Training Programmes and Human Resource

Los Angeles Children's Hospital has tried to mitigate the shortage of specialized physicians to meet the needs of users.


Talent forming their own specialties and subspecialties in medicine that are demanded by our users, due to the difficulty that this entails high costs and the HILA -hearted benefactors looking for this worthy cause .


Many individuals and nonprofit institutions people are linked to the Hospital for activities to benefit children and their families , with the sole purpose of give them joy and happy moments in the midst of the health situation they face.


Volunteering HILA is a profoundly rewarding experience that fills our hearts with joy , visiting a sick child to tell a story, sing a song or just a hug , it is a balm for the soul and an incentive that breaks the day for anyone who wants to give this opportunity. Volunteers require specific support in the exercise of their different techniques and lack the resources to obtain them , thus contribute a bit to these angels continue spreading joy is a beautiful way to help the hospital.

Volunteering Types

• Hospitalary Clown

• Storytelling

• Reading stories

• Music Therapy


You can be a volunteer, if you have time or if you think you can do more for the poor and most vulnerable children who knock on the doors of Children's Hospital Los Angeles.

PBX: 733 64 00 EXT 247

Cra. 32 No. 21A-30 Av. Los Estudiantes

Pasto - Nariño - Colombia - South America




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